Rangers Protocol Foundation reported that in January 2022, the Rangers Protocol announced Loot Rangers NFT blind box phase I pre-sale. The Rangers Protocol operation team promoted the pre-sale of Loot Rangers NFT blind box in the global market.

Rangers Protocol announced he Whitelist Application event officially ended on Jan 23, 2022, meaning the Loot Rangers NFT blind box Phase I pre-sale will soon begin. The whitelist winners will have the chance to get the first-ever batch of Loot Rangers NFTs. The pre-sale will attract many inviters, voters, and active users all over the world.

The Rangers Protocol Foundation very much agrees with Rangers Protocol’s expansion of global marketing.

The Rangers Protocol Foundation has an 1,887.33 RPG backup funding support for the development of global community. The funding includes activity costs to market the program, event costs, KOL rewards and other administrative costs.